Democratic engagement is the state of being engaged in advancing democracy through political institutions, organizations, and activities — it is the engagement of citizens in public life and in government. Examples of democratic engagement include voting, contacting elected officials, being active in political organizations, debating issues, supporting causes, and participating in rallies.
The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge empowers colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan student democratic engagement.
The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge envisions a more engaged and participatory democracy. Through institutional engagement, direct student engagement, and fostering a national higher education network, ALL IN strives for an electorate that mirrors our country’s makeup and in which college students are democratically engaged on an ongoing basis, during and between elections, and not just at the polls. We believe that a strong, vibrant, and more representative American democracy will result from the greater inclusion of informed college student voters.
The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge’s (ALL IN) mission is to foster civic culture and institutionalize democratic engagement activities and programs at colleges and universities, making them a defining feature of campus life.
As an initiative of Civic Nation, ALL IN, in collaboration with higher education institutions, seeks to:
ALL IN embraces a tripartite definition of democratic engagement: democratic engagement = civic learning + political engagement + voter participation (see ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge Theory of Change). ALL IN aims to enable colleges and universities to institutionalize nonpartisan democratic engagement by way of providing structure, support, and recognition.
In the next five years, ALL IN will: