Higher education shares in the responsibility to prepare students for their public lives as citizens, professionals, and community members. It contributes to the public good by graduating students with the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and values necessary to take action to improve society and solve its most pressing challenges.

By participating in ALL IN,
your campus is:

  • Joining a national coalition of colleges and universities.
  • Making a public commitment to improve democratic engagement of its students.
  • Being nationally recognized for its efforts.
  • Helping to develop an electorate that mirrors the country’s population.
  • Working to increase the number of college students voting.
  • Contributing to the development of best practices.

By participating in ALL IN,
your campus will be able to:

  • Be more intentional in its efforts.
  • Improve campus-wide collaboration and reduce siloed efforts.
  • Facilitate the use of data to set goals and measure impact.
  • Document a nonpartisan action plans, which can be used facilitate change and increase resources.
  • Hold itself accountable for following through on a nonpartisan action plan.