The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) has comprised a collection of resources created by the ALL IN team and partner organizations within the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition to support campuses with nonpartisan engagement efforts. We encourage you to utilize and share these resources through email, social media, campus programming, and other online outlets (e.g., learning management systems). These nonpartisan resources are intended to help you find up-to-date election information, plan for in-person and virtual democratic engagement, and develop your campus democratic engagement action plan. In conjunction, ALL IN released its annual Resource Toolkitwhich provides an overview of tools and opportunities that are available to your campus.
Please email [email protected] with additional resources you’d like us to include. We also encourage you to join our Higher Education – Student Voter Engagement (HE-SVE) Google Group to pose questions and share resources in real time.
In addition to the resources listed below, ALL IN has created a video to walk you through being ALL IN for 2025.
ALL IN’s theory of changesuggests that in order for widespread nonpartisan democratic engagement to occur, there must be a balance of civic learning, political engagement, and student voter participation as part of a campus’s culture. Resources crafted by ALL IN and partner organizations strive to provide structure and support in each of the following categories.
Civic Learning
Civic learning resources are intended to help your campus institutionalize civic engagement so that your students have the skills needed for informed participation in civic life.
Project Pericles’ Civic Engagement Resources: These resources are for faculty, across all disciplines, who are interested in civic engagement course syllabi, community-engaged learning, deliberative dialogue, nonpartisan voter education, and addressing voter suppression.
Nonpartisan Messaging Toolkit for Faculty & Administrators: Designed to help faculty and administrators integrate nonpartisan ideas, processes, templates, and support for sharing voter information with students. The guide also highlights work done by participating ALL IN Institutions & partners. The toolkit is a living document, and participating institutions can share additional nonpartisan content for inclusion by emailing [email protected].
ALL IN Nonpartisan Student Voting Group Report: In 2021, the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN), started a process to learn more about nonpartisan voter engagement efforts and surveyed to learn how many of nonpartisan student voting groups existed, to what extent they are supported by their institutions, and what strategies, tactics, and ideas they use to engage their student body in this report. Since then, ALL IN has updated the surveying instrument and is proud to release the updated third edition of the report.
Political Engagement
Political Engagement resources are designed to help students in every part of the voting process, ranging from registration to casting their ballot and everything in between.
ALL IN to Vote: For information on voter registration, making a plan to vote, researching your ballot, becoming a poll worker, and more.
ActiVote: The ALLIN with ActiVote platform is a free personal democracy experience that is completely tailored to the local community in which you vote. Find details on your upcoming elections and sign up for reminders to ensure you never miss a primary or local election going forward! ALLIN with ActiVote gamifies the process of preparing your ballot to ensure you confidently vote in every election.
BallotReady: A tool to research your ballot, find your polling place, receive reminders to vote, and other tools and nudges to encourage informed participation.
Ballotpedia: A tool to research candidates and your ballot.
The following resources are programming tools and ideas to engage your students as your campus gears up for the election cycle.
Civic Holidays: Nonpartisan days of action that strengthen and celebrate our country’s democracy!
Campus Canvas Strategy: For relational and peer-to-peer on campus organizing by Vote for Astra.
Friend to Friend Texting: ALL IN supplies students with the tools and information they need to host nonpartisan texting parties on campus.
Students Learn Students Vote Coalition’s website to find local and national partners that can help support the planning and implementation of democratic engagement on your campus and, in some cases, provide additional resources. The Students Learn Students Vote coalition has also put together this list of resources.
Student Vote Handbook : In this handbook, leaders will find important voting information to provide to students and ideas on how to communicate and to encourage their participation in elections.
Constitution Day: An American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is normally observed on September 17, the day in 1787 that delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia. Campuses that receive federal funding are intended to celebrate this holiday. Consider using the ALL IN ActiVote link to support Constitution Day engagement.
National Voter Registration Day: A holiday to encourage us to register to vote. Your campus can prepare plans for in-person and online voter registration drives.
National Voter Education Week: A nonpartisan voter education campaign held annually during the first week of October. NVEW equips voters with the tools and information they need to cast their ballots with confidence, serving as a resource hub for leaders of any community and context who want to help their networks make their voices heard.
Vote Early Day: Help support shorter lines during Election Day by celebrating to encourage more people to vote early.
Election Hero Day: A civic holiday to recognize the importance and work of election administration teams, poll workers, and more across the nation.